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Overview of TON Crystal token properties
MEDCOДата: Четвер, 22.07.2021, 19:45 | Повідомлення # 1
Група: Адміністратори
Повідомлень: 155505
Статус: Оффлайн
Overview of TON Crystal token properties

The basic digital coin TON Crystal of the Free TON (FT) ecosystem has the basic properties that are necessary for its circulation as a settlement instrument. As of summer 2021, FT Crystals are listed on about 10 trading platforms (crypto exchanges and crypto exchanges). Their liquidity (the ability to quickly buy and sell) gives them the properties of a cash equivalent. However, there is a major factor negatively affecting FT tokens - significant volatility (variability) in their value. The FT project is at an early stage of development and the ecosystem tokens are not completely distributed among the participants taking part in the development of this blockchain platform, and this does not make it possible to objectively assess the cost value of the entire FT ecosystem in terms of technological value (by analogy with classic IT companies ).

Significant exchange rate volatility is inherent in all cryptocurrencies. Under the condition of a simple payment for goods, work performed or services provided with TON Crystal tokens, a conflict of interest arises between the buyer and the seller (with a further decrease in the rate, the buyer wins, the seller - a loss, with an increase in the rate: the seller gains, and the buyer overpays).

There are many options for leveling the volatility of TON Crystal tokens and their detailed consideration is planned in stages as part of the course: "Researching the possibilities for carrying out calculations in the Free TON ecosystem".

Oleksandr Petrovich Overchuk
financial expert
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